The flip side of internet use- encroachment of intellectual rights

07 Feb 2023 15:02:10
With the rise of technology, social media, and the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. While these platforms offer numerous benefits, they also pose potential threats to our safety and security. This is especially true for companies and communities that rely on technology for their operations. As a leading road infrastructure company, it is important for us to educate our employees and community members on online safety issues and how to protect themselves from potential dangers.

Safer Internet day Rajpath infracon 

Intellectual rights include patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and other forms of intellectual property rights. The protection of these rights is essential to ensure that creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs are fairly compensated for their hard work, ingenuity, and creativity. In recent years, there has been an increase in the encroachment of intellectual rights in infrastructure. This refers to the unauthorized use of intellectual property, often by large corporations and businesses, which results in the exploitation of corporates.

Encroachment of intellectual rights can take several forms, including copyright infringement, patent infringement, trademark infringement, and trade secret misappropriation.

One form of intellectual rights encroachment in infrastructure is patent infringement. This refers to the unauthorized use of patented inventions, products, and processes. Patent infringement is often committed by large corporations and businesses who seek to benefit from the work of others without paying for it. For example, some corporations may use patented technologies without obtaining the necessary licenses, which can result in significant financial losses for the patent holders.

Trademark infringement is another form of intellectual rights encroachment in infrastructure. This refers to the unauthorized use of trademarks, logos, and trade names. Trademarks are used to identify products and services, and they play an essential role in building brand recognition and consumer trust. However, some organizations may use trademarks that are similar to those of others, which can result in consumer confusion and dilution of the original trademark.

Trade secret misappropriation is also a form of intellectual rights encroachment in infrastructure. This refers to the unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information and trade secrets. Trade secrets are confidential information that gives a company a competitive advantage and can include formulas, recipes, and manufacturing processes. The unauthorized use of trade secrets can result in significant financial losses for the company and can also result in the loss of competitive advantage.

The encroachment of intellectual rights in infrastructure is a significant concern for the corporate world. It can result in the loss of revenue, the dilution of brands, and the erosion of intellectual property rights. As such, governments, organizations, and individuals need to take steps to protect intellectual rights. This can include implementing strong intellectual property laws, providing legal remedies for intellectual property infringement, and encouraging the use of technology to prevent intellectual rights encroachment. One solution to this problem is to use technology to track and monitor the use of copyrighted material online. Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems can be used to control the distribution of digital content and to enforce the rights of copyright holders. These systems use encryption and other security measures to protect the content and prevent unauthorized access.

According to a report from application security company Indusface, more than 829 million cyber attacks were blocked globally during the fourth quarter (Q4) of the calendar year 2022, with 59% of the websites being in India.

Instances like these make it important and necessary for the corporate world to create awareness about encroachment and the mediums they can happen from. One-click on a wrongful link can destroy the company's data in seconds.

Here are a few scams that we should be careful about while using the internet in a Workplace and Community:

Phishing Scams

phishing scams 

Phishing scams are a common threat in the online world. These scams use fake emails, text messages, or website links to steal personal information such as passwords and credit card details. To protect against phishing scams, it is important to never click on links or download attachments from unknown sources. Additionally, employees should be trained to recognize the signs of a phishing scam and report any suspicious emails or messages immediately.

Malware and Viruses

virus and malware

Malware and viruses can cause serious damage to a company's network and systems. These malicious programs can steal sensitive information, compromise security, and even cause system crashes. To prevent malware and viruses, it is important to keep all software up to date, use reputable anti-virus software, and be cautious when downloading files from the internet. Employees should also be trained on the signs of malware and how to report any suspicious activity.

Social Engineering Attacks

social engg 

Social engineering attacks are designed to trick individuals into giving away sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. These attacks can take many forms, including phishing scams, fake customer service calls, and even impersonation on social media. To prevent social engineering attacks, employees should be trained to recognize these tactics and never give away sensitive information or access codes to anyone.

Another solution is to educate people about the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and the consequences of infringing on these rights. The Companies can organize frequent training on safe internet usage and browsing which will benefit the employees in their professional and personal life. We at Rajpath Infracon are actively taking measures to reduce the chances of internet malpractices by taking measures like:

1. We have recently conducted an intense training for all HO employees focusing on cyber security aspects of emails, internet browsing, phishing, remote access, password creation, maintenance and management, portable media usage- pen drives, and wifi usage.
2. Implementing an ISP (Information Security Policy) that sets forth rules and processes for workforce members, creating a standard around the acceptable use of the organization's information technology, including networks and applications to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Policies like these act as the foundation for programs, providing guidance, consistency, and clarity around an organization’s operations. As a set of internal standards, they give the employees repeatable steps for managing legal and compliance risks. It mainly focuses on the security of all aspects of using the internet for various purposes, mitigating human error and preventing malicious factors.
3. Encouraging the employees to send work-related emails only from corporate accounts, firewalls, spam, etc.

In conclusion, the encroachment of intellectual rights is a major concern in the digital age. While there are many challenges to protecting these rights online, there are also solutions that can help. These include using technology to monitor and control the use of copyrighted material, educating people about the importance of protecting intellectual property rights, and reforming copyright laws to better protect the rights of creators in the digital age.
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